James M. Read, IDSA



Phone: 508.208.5769


skype: jamesmread


jmread resume
jmread portfolio archive
jmread at IDSA
jmread at Massart

jmread at core77 directory

Article Published

Teaching User-focused Innonvation 

Creating Innovation Leaders: Why We Need to Blend Business and Design Education

IDSA 1999 conference paper - Embracing “Change”

IDSA 2000 conference paper - Contextual Issues of Design Educating The New Designer 

IDSA 2001 conference paper -Expansion and Compression / Skin and Bones


fineart gallery

Innovation Alchemy


JMRead, LLC Design Innovation Leadership:

James Morley Read JMRead, LLC blends user-centered design solutions with applied anthropometrics (the knowledge of the human dimension applied to products and services) and product semeiotics (the meaning behind the visual language of objects) tied to brand recognition, providing innovative design leadership. JMR is committed to developing identifiable opportunities for innovation that resonate with consumer needs. Close examination of user behaviors makes it possible to develop products that directly answer user needs. By observing and analyzing social patterns, JMR provides innovative solutions that tie the user emotionally to the product, and appeal to the user on a visceral level. By using empathy, communication and analysis, JMR identifies opportunities for innovation that resonate with consumer needs. We leverage design thinking for business.