Design is Human Centered
This Tim Brown TED talk is a must watch for all designers and consumers of design. All designs should start with human need.
This Tim Brown TED talk is a must watch for all designers and consumers of design. All designs should start with human need.
Here is your chance to get involved to make design matter.
Listened to Colleen Macklin At the College of the Fenway Conference at Simmons College. and played her new Meta game, available through kickstarter . I had to argue why students should be required to perform Cats by Weber in spandex. My position was it would promote diversity because under the spandex we are all Cats.
I also gave a short presentation titled “Beware of Rocks” on how in design, computer technology has become ubiquitous, an intrinsic part of the new designer’s skill set, but it can mislead, misrepresent, or distract from core principles in educating the new designer. I also talked about all the press about “Design Thinking” lately, but that my feeling was that the key actually lays in the “Design Making”.
See Xylem's new Saajhi treadle Pump, this Self-priming diaphragm-based system provides efficient and easily serviceable, this highperformance pumping technology has been proven by Xylem in hostile marine markets for more than 20 years SELF-PRIMINGDIAPHRAGM-BASED SYSTEM Efficient and easily serviceable, this highperformance pumping technology has been proven by Xylem in hostile marine markets for more than 20 years.